hotstar The Addams Family Full Movie On Voot

actors - Finn Wolfhard. Rating - 19597 Votes. Countries - Canada. rating - 6,2 of 10. genre - Horror, Animation.

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Addams family 2. The addams family wednesday. The addams family songs. The addams family cousin. The addams family 2019. Addams family movie. The addams family 1964. The addams family model. As much as I can say that I enjoy some aspects of this movie. I struggle connect it to the original two movies. (The Addams family, and the Addams family values) they're nothing alike aside from the rough idea of the characters. Odd balls in a normal society. But it feels so strange to see someone like Finn Wolfhard playing Pugsley. I know the actor from IT, in which he plays a very different character. Which I'll take into account that he can act. But seeing him play what I've always known as a mumbling idiot. (Nothing against Pugsley. He was one of my favourite characters in fact.) There's also Nick Kroll. Who, maybe it's me personally, I don't like in most of his roles. He was fantastic in his performance and he was also amazing in what we do in the shadows (2019) but seeing him play another one of his 'Man child' characters as uncle Fester just annoys me. Uncle Fester was always a bit of an idiot, I know that, but never was he used as only a comedic puppet. He actually did things that weren't comedic in some parts of the movies. Such as when he was arguing with his 'mother' in the original. He was actually angry. And not 'haha I'm annoyed' if that makes any sense.
If we move on from my problems with the cast and onto one of my worst gripes about the movie, the idea. The original movie was about a family who were content with living in their house, knew about the outside world and stayed in their home by choice. In this film it's extremely obvious that they've got no knowledge of the outside. For gods sake, they didn't know what a balloon was! They weren't idiots, just odd. In this they're practically mouth breathing, dribbling babies. Then there's the scene where Uncle Fester is in the town square singing. I've got one question. How didn't he know that a flurry of bats would scare the townspeople? They've seen people before, they know that what they normally do scares people. So why didn't he choose anything else to do you might ask. Because it's a children's movie. And children's movies aren't supposed to make sense. Unless we count the original Addams family which, again, did everything this movie tried to do but better and without copying movies like 'Hotel Transylvania' and other such.
Which swiftly brings us into my next point, and my final one. It copy's other movies. I'm sure if you've seen this movie you've seen hotel Transylvania. In which, a bunch of oddballs move to a secluded mansion just to find that one of their children is curious of the outer world and meets a 'normal' person. They get along very well. See anything familiar? I've just described the plot of The Addams family (2019) as well. How odd am I right? It's my personal opinion that the film makers saw the popularity of this movie and wanted to make their own. So took a classic from years ago, and warped it beyond what is respectful. Changing the plot to match Hotel Transylvania to an unreasonable level. This is not going to be a coincidence. And I will take that 'it's similar but quite different' but if someone tells me this is a coincidence I don't know what I'm supposed to say in response. Because that's just false.
So in conclusion. If you're looking for The Addams family, don't watch this movie. But if you're looking for a kids movie that's will make young kids laugh, then go ahead. If not it's not worth a watch. Don't make the mistake I made, and don't watch this movie unless you've got actual reason to.

The addams family tish.



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